Frequently Asked Questions

Smartnodes require a collateral of 168,000 $JOSS. This number does not change. Your collateral stays in your wallet at all times, and as long as locked your Smartnode is valid. You can unlock the collateral at anytime, you are in full control of your $JOSS.

Block Node Collateral
7,200 ~ 88,720 168,000 $JOSS
88,721 ~ 132,720 224,000 $JOSS
132,721 ~ 176,720 280,000 $JOSS
176,721 ~ 220,720 364,000 $JOSS
220,721 ~ 264720 448,000 $JOSS
264,721 ~ INT_MAX 550,000 $JOSS

Smartnodes will start at block 7,201 and require a minimum of 11 smartnodes from the total.